Some Thoughts on Mindset...

Hey 👋,

The vision for my business is to share business growth wisdom with you.

Here is why…

When I was 21 years old I experienced a series of 20+ psychotic episodes (drug induced mostly) which were very formative.

During those moments I was living in a world where anything I thought - and I mean anything - could, in an instance, be inside my reality in a way I could fully perceive, hear, feel and see.

Now, when you’re not in a good place mentally - this can be scary - it’s like living inside your own nightmare fully awake with nowhere to hide.

There is nothing quite like an episode of this nature. I’m sure if you’ve pushed it with drugs you may have bumped into something like this, or at least someone you know went through something similar.

It’s more common that you think. (especially in my country of origin, Australia where there is a high level of drug consumption)

I took drugs because I had some deep childhood traumas that I was trying to mask and run away from. I didn’t have the emotional maturity, the tools or the mindset necessary to process it.

So I took increasing amount of drugs instead.

Somewhere along the line - I started to take more responsibility for my situation. It started with my health because going to the gym was the only thing that made my anxiety go away.

There is a great saying… ‘when the student is ready they mentor will appear…’

Right at that moment when I started making positive choices I had a mentor step into my life who took me from level 1 to level 50 in just 90 days.

Lachlan sat with me once per week for 90 days and he asked me powerful questions. He was the wisest, most successful person I’d ever met and by the grace of his heart he agreed to mentor me.

After meeting Lachlan I stopped taking drugs & I stopped hanging out with people who were, I owned up to my destructive behaviours, I was more honest with my family and grew closer to them as a result, I started saving money, I stepped up my focus on my health & fitness, I started reading books like a madman (literally.)

All of the energy I had for destruction in my life turned into a force for creation.

I often think back to those times, whenever I feel lost or lacking momentum and I remember where I come from and how far I’ve come.

I often think back to the catalyst - you see it wasn’t just two people having a conversation, Lachlan had assets that he used to completely shift my perceptions.

He had a deep understanding of principles that he used to shift me out of victimhood and allowed me to see that there was an order to the chaos that I was experiencing.

He referred to these as ‘The Universal Laws.’

What About Business?

When I was 16-18 years old my family went through a financial crisis - we lost the cars, my Dad’s business failed and he had to move away from the family for a few years to get a job to get back on his feet.

At that moment I remember thinking that I didn’t want this to happen but I felt so powerless to change anything.

This lit an entrepreneurial spark in me, that would eventually manifest itself 3 years later once I had a relevant base in mindset and had done enough work on myself to be productive.

Through this I’ve learnt that Mindset is the first pillar of business - and that’s why it lives front and centre for me in my 6 pillars system.

Lachlan was also the first person who encouraged my to start a business. He gave me his business principles and gave me books to read. I honoured his advice and I read all of the books he gave me.

I’ve never stopped seeking wisdom in both life and business - with the universal laws as my guide I’ve been searching for high level principles that can be applied to growth.

What happened next?

Since 21, I’ve been able to start 3 × 7 figure businesses, I became a millionaire in assets before I was 30, I’ve since mentored ten’s of thousands of people in business passing the torch of the principles that were given to me and I have been able to travel the world non stop.

But to this day the greatest achievement of my life was when my brother and I were able to employ my mum and give her a remote job in our business so she could move back in with my dad.

This is more powerful to me than the revenue, the profits or any of the other achievements.

I don’t share business systems with people because I consider myself a guru or I went to a seminar or took a course. I share because I want to help people who are just like me - people on a journey to overcome their challenges, traumas and become truly free.

How Does Mindset Integrate With Business Growth?

I don’t think you can separate mindset and business systems.

They are two sides of the same coin.

In fact one of those ‘Universal Laws’ that Lachlan taught me was that, ‘there is a yin and a yang to everything. There’s always a polarity and when you’re searching for the truth - look for the centre.’

Steven Covey once said ‘the private victory must always proceed the public.’

Mindset is the private victory and business is the public victory.

Mindset is the side of the coin that people don’t see.

Mindset to me is simply aligning your mind to the universal laws.

Once you understand some of these Universal Laws - they can help you to see the hidden order where others only find chaos.

Now you might notice that many of the systems I’ve built in the business are based on these universal principles. It’s the hidden influence behind everything I share.

Just like my LeadFLOW System…

LeadFLOW uses the principles of Sacred Geometry to balance the counter objectives of marketing and sales into a harmonious whole.

And my Seed of Life System…

The Seed of Life uses the principles of Sacred Geometry to map the 7 areas of life. My mentor Lachlan taught me to run a broad agenda and focus on all of them at once.

Through my journey with Mental Health I’ve come to believe that mental health issues are in in-build feedback system to create ‘dissonance’ in your mind when you perceive yourself to be moving backwards in 5 or more of the 7 areas of life.

6 out of 7 is where Bipolar comes in.
7 out of 7 is full blown psychosis.

Seen this way ‘mental health problems’ are less something permanent but something you can take control of and change by shifting your perceptions, decisions and actions.

I’ve now gone on to have discussions with hundreds of people who feel depression and in 100% of those cases I’ve found those same people feel like they’re moving backwards in 5 or more of the 7 areas of life.

Just like getting the flu can be a tell that you’re pushing it too hard in a certain area of your life. Seen this way ‘mental health problems’ serve a beautiful purpose.

In my work with clients I’ve discovered that entrepreneurs all have an origin moment of their pursuits - It’s surprisingly similar.

By definition entrepreneurs have problems with figures of authority. This initial tension is what we need to take the road less travelled.

Just as Einstein once said, ‘My contempt for authority is what made me one.’

The reason I told you my story about my psychosis and the financial issues I experienced with my family because these voids have created my values…

I want you to know who I really am.

If we ever end up doing work together I want you to know where my systems actually come from. I didn’t sit around intellectually masturbating about business for years on end because I as born into this or given a leg up.

I fucked up my life more than you can imagine. I found someone who helped me get through it and when I got back to the first floor I decided I was going to keep fucking climbing.

All of my best clients have been through similar things. And to be honest I don’t really connect with people who haven’t been through something interesting.

Talk soon,


Ps… Here is a photo I took of a piece of art in my house last year that I feel illustrates some of the concepts I’ve been pointing to in this edition of the newsletter. Perhaps it says what I’m trying to say more effectively than I can.

Pps… I’m building a new mastermind community for business owners who want to master their mindset and build an online business that bring them freedom. You can read about the offer I’m running this week that gives you 60% off here >