SFB Newsletter #27

The Trinity of Growth

Hey 👋

Something that I’ve discovered after chatting to thousands of business owners is that too many business owners are slaves to their businesses.

They are chained to their desk spending 80%+ of their time focussed on 'operations,' 'putting out fires' and 'diving into the weeds of the business.'

Problem being… operations is not an entrepreneurial function - and it will not move the needle for your growth, fulfilment or freedom.

Operations is a hamster wheel, and the one who runs the fastest and the furthest does not win anything meaningful.

I don’t know about you - but most business owners I speak to started because: they want freedom - they don’t want to be chained to their desk, becoming an employee of their own business.

They want to be able to choose when they work, where they work, who they work with - they love to be mobile with the time freedom and the ability to travel around where they choose.

With online business these freedoms are 100% possible to achieve but most simply never experience them.

So... what's the solution?

First understand this:

There are three and ONLY three entrepreneurial functions that can unlock greater growth and freedom in your business...

1. Building Systems 
2. Marketing 
3. Innovating Products

Here is what it looks like.

This is how almost all of my models originate by the way - I write something and then I think - this would probably make more sense if I just draw it.

When you master these three functions you get more cashflow, more wealth and more freedom.

This is what I help my clients to do - we delegate, automate, outsource (and even flat out eliminate) 'busy work' from your business...

The first thing is to build systems to free you up.

Then we focus intensely on marketing and innovation to take you to the next level.

This edition of the of the Systems for Business Newsletter is sponsored by my new Business Scaling Checklist. I’ve just updated the offer - I’ve added an extra $5,000 worth of bonus materials plus I’ve added another 70 items with 50+ more on the way this month 🙂 

If you don’t yet have a copy of my checklist - go and grab it via the link below now. I guarantee if you use it - you’ll make a quick 100x on your investment here with us at Systems For Business.

So let’s break down ‘The Trinity of Growth’ and talk about systems, marketing and innovation.

1. Systems

A system is a repeatable way to produce a result.

They can be as simple as clicking a button or more complex to involve multiple steps and stages.

Systems are not hard to build - most people simply don’t do it because it’s not urgent to do.

So the question is - Where should you build systems?

Here I’ll turn to my 6 pillars - for a small business doing under $5M in revenue these are the only areas of focus in my opinion.

  1. Mindset is the input function - it’s what you bring.

  2. Finance is the output function - it’s what you get.

You don’t necessarily build systems in those areas - it’s just about habits - it’s a completely different kind of pillar to the other 4.

These pillars aren’t necessarily hard in any way - nor do they take great skill - it’s simply about habits that do not change much or at all.

Then the other 4 functions are active - they are what you’re working in, and doing every single day inside your business - they do require skill and specific knowledge.

But there is a deeper pattern here - an important yin-yang like relationship between marketing and sales - and between product and operations.

These areas are essentially the same thing but one if for entrepreneurs and one is for employees.

The two most important pillars to build systems in are Sales and Operations. The reason being these are hamster wheel, heavy task based pillars.

What you’ll notice about these pillars is that the tasks here are constant - and they need to be done per unit for every new client that you get.

For that reason, these are the best areas to install automation, to outsource things, to bring in a team and delegate these tasks to them.

Back to what I mentioned earlier…

There are only three entrepreneurial functions that can unlock greater freedom...

1. Building Systems 
2. Marketing 
3. Innovating Products

So step 1 is to build systems inside those two pillars.

This is what free’s you up to do the real work.

Marketing and Product (Innovation)

There is something unique about these pillars - you see these two pillars are the entrepreneurial and creative pillars inside your business.

In my opinion Peter Drucker said the most important thing ever uttered about business when he said, Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two--and only two--basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs."

Less than 5% of business owners get this - but if you truly understand this ^ you will have the key to open the door to geometric growth for your business.

Every single one of them has something in common - their growth came from the work they did with Marketing and Innovation.

You see for me I spend 80% of my time, efforts and energy in my business on these two pillars, and as a result I’m always improving and building on top of things that have worked for me before to drive even greater results.

Why don’t more people do this?

Because sales and operations are urgent - they need to be done today and marketing and product are not, they don’t ‘need to be done today’

Unless you can break free of the world demanding urgent things from you - you’ll simply just keep getting dragged into the weeds.

12 years ago one of my first mentors Lachlan Cameron told me the key to building value inside a business was to spend as much time as possible working on important un-urgent tasks.

I knew what he told me was important - so I banked it in my mind - but it took me over 10 years to truly understand it.

This is evidence for me that the most simple insights can be amongst the most valuable.

Wisdom is simplicity.

Part of the paradox of entrepreneurship is that the better you are as a product creator and a marketer - you’ll find yourself inundated with operational tasks and people trying to reach out to you all the time.

Without a ruthless level of focus and a samurai like mindset to cut down anything or anyone who is attempting to distract you from growth - you’ll simply find yourself handcuffed to your desk - living your days in a prison that you’ve created for yourself.

And I say that as something that has thrown away the key to my own cell many, many times.

I have a propensity to work. I can easily go months without taking a day off - and that’s part of the problem - when there’s an issue that comes up, I often just jump in and fix it.

Sound familiar?

Back in 2018 my business had flatlined at $50K/month - no matter what I tried, I simply couldn’t break past it.

I ran my Golden Section Exercise (that you can find inside my checklist under the operations tab) and I quickly realised I was spending 80% of my time working in operations, putting out fires, constantly doing shit I didn’t enjoy doing and I wasn’t naturally built for.

So in the next 60 days I pulled out a samurai sword and cut away from the insidious hamster wheel based thinking that had infected me.

By the end of 90 days I had created, launched and scaled my Journal funnel to $240K in the very first month I launched it.

I’ve never forgot that.

And deeper than that, I’ve now run my Golden Section exercise with hundreds and hundreds of business owners - and guess what?

The same is true for them.

Too many business owners are slaves to their businesses. You won’t scale to your potential until you can break free from it.

2. Onto Marketing.

There are three different types of marketing.

  1. Organic Marketing: These are free marketing strategies that take a lot of time to implement - they are usually manual human energy systems.

These strategies can include cold calls, outbound emailing, relying on referrals, creating organic content and networking.

If you have more time than money this is the place to start.

And in my personal opinion this is where you should focus when you’re first starting out.

To master this you need to chose 1 of these traffic sources and master it before moving onto the next.

The big problem with this sort of marketing is that it’s basic and still completely based on hustle. It’s a hamster wheel.

For that reason it’s more similar to sales than marketing in my view.

Use these strategies to get to $10K/month - when you do move to level 2.

  1. Lead Generation Marketing: This is a strategy where you give away a free resource like an ebook to build your email list. You then build a content system to convert those leads.

If you’re tired of relying on referrals, outbound emails & networking events to grow your business - this is the best next system to build in your business.

This is one of the main systems I’ve helped my clients to build.

The goal I set for every client I work with at this stage is to generate 20,000 leads - Just imagine how your life and business would transform if you had an extra 20,000 emails in your database.

These appointment funnels work tremendously well for service based businesses who have a high LTV of a client. Anything over $3K and you can really scale up these funnels quickly.

Plus you’ll experience the added benefit of having automated ads building your list for you 24/7 no matter what you’re doing.

This is arguably one of the most powerful forms of automation in your business. Less than 5% of businesses know how to do it, and even less do it well.

  1. Sales Funnel Marketing: This is a strategy where you sell a product on the front end of your business like a book or any other low ticket product. Then you build a back end system to turn one time customers into long term repeat purchase clients. (My personal favourite marketing strategy)

In 2019, I fully transitioned to this strategy for my business and since I’ve generated 27,000 customers using my funnels.

Over the past 5 years I’ve built 4 funnels for myself that went on to do 7 figures in revenue. (Two of which did 7 figures in the first 90 days.)

Here is the template we use for building these funnels.

Business wise this is one of my deepest areas of study and I’ve probably taken those ideas further than anyone else you know. 

I don’t want to toot my own horn here - but it’s simply the truth. I’ve invested over $500K of my own money (all in my 20’s btw) to learn from the greatest direct response marketers on earth. 

Today that investment has paid me back over 10x already and I make hundreds of percent returns in yearly yield from that investment.

The best investments for me have been into education. 

In my opinion 99.9% of business owners simply don’t take these principles seriously enough. Even most marketing agencies don’t truly understand them which has always been of concern to me. 

Anyways all that to say - every so often I build one of these funnels for clients who have the right products. 

I have my family coming over to Europe in just over 5 weeks - I will be taking on a few of these projects beforehand. I’ll have them tested and finished within 5 weeks as I’ll be taking a break then. 

To qualify your business needs to be over $20K/month at least and you need to have a desire to build a multi 7 figure business. 

You will need a great product. I’m not going to create the product for you. I’m going to build a kickass system to sell it, with landing pages, ads, bump offers, emails, OTO’s etc. 

If you have a great book, a powerful course or a well positioned product you want to sell but you know that the marketing is holding it back… 

If you dream of getting your awesome products and services into the hands of more people who need them (and quickly) this offer is for you. 

The input from your side - I’ll need about 3 hours of your time over the next 6 weeks to interview you and pull out all of the details for me to inject into the copy. 

If you want to chat about it - just fill in the quick form below - tell me about your products and your business, I’ll check them out and If I’m certain I can build you a funnel that will convert, we can connect for a chat. 

3. Product Innovation

There is only one thing that can take you from niche competitor to category King, or Queen 😉 

It’s product innovation.

This is the final piece of the puzzle for a reason; you need to earn your right to innovation by using your systems and marketing to create cashflow.

The volume of people wanting to start businesses who believe the path is to start innovating out of the gate would surprise you - and it’s the reason they never get anything moving.

This is like never stepping foot in a gym and thinking you can clean and jerk 200kgs.

The glorification of VC backed businesses doesn’t help.

In the beginning it’s wise to optimise a business model - find a business model that you know with 100% certainty that works - use the momentum from that to eventually innovate.

Innovation is like going to the olympics - you need to train for 4 years to get anywhere near the team.

It’s the highest function that exists in business.

But that’s not to say you can’t start working on it today - I encourage my clients to start creating ideas and move through the 3 types of work in their businesses - which is the key to innovation.

The core principle of Innovation is that you’re building something new that’s never been built before, so in essence there aren’t many roadmaps here - that’s the idea - you’re breaking new territory.

There’s a great quote from Picasso that I love…

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”

The key to scaling your business is to learn the rules like a pro - understand systems and marketing - so that you can break them like an artist - become an innovator.


Who Our Systems Are For

Our systems work for open minded, growth focussed business owners. 

As you can see we've helped various different types of clients... 

Whether you work in financial & professional services, you're a marketing agency, a business coach, a consultant, you run a SAAS or a e-commerce business... 

Our systems work best for business owners who are looking to reach more customers and clients with great products they OWN and Develop.

We do not work with Amazon FBA businesses, MLM businesses, Dropshipping Businesses, Affliate Businesses - or anyone else selling 'someone elses product' - We only work with creative entrepreneur’s selling their own products.

What’s Next?

I have three products in the business that give you a different level of support - depending what you need. If you want to scale on your own, you want to scale with us, or you want us to take over and have us scale for you - we've got you covered. 

This is the DIY version of our systems - I've packed up 635+ of our systems + you also get $7,436 in free business growth bonuses to help get you started. 

If you don't yet have a copy of our Checklist - go and grab via the link below now. I guarantee this will help you to make a quick 100x on your investment here with us at Systems for Business.

All of the pillars are covered in depth inside the checklist!

Want to Take a Deeper Dive?

If you want a deeper level of support in your business and you know you need a mentor scale a 6 or 7 figure business.

And you want support from someone who has not only done it themselves multiple times - but has also helped thousands of business owners to scale... This is for you. 

This is the option to take if you'd like to be in direct contact with me while I help you to add $10-100K/month to your business inside the next 90 days. 

Here we take a deep dive into your 6 Pillars and build systems inside those areas. 

You'll come out the other side with 10-25 extra hours in your schedule every week, you'll have an improved sales system, 4 x monthly short sword strategies installed for you to drive more cashflow for your business and a completely optimised LeadFLOW marketing funnel.

Plus, if we make it through that and you've still got time - I'll show you how to innovate new products in your business to take you from niche participant to category king, or queen. ;) 

To qualify for this you need to be able to invest 2-5 hours per week building new systems for your business and you must be over $10K/month in income. 

If not - start with the checklist - get some wins and then come join me inside one of my programs. 

My coaching comes with a full 10x Guarantee - We guarantee that you'll make at least 10x your money back within 90 days or the work with us is free. 

Here are the steps from here: Click the link below to fill in a short application form, I'll have a look at your business and If I'm certain we can help I'll send you a booking link. 

We do a 45 minute get to know you call and if it feels we're a fit I'll invite you into one of our programs. 

Packages start at $3K USD and you can expect to add at least $10K/month to your business within 90 days. 

Over the past 5 years I’ve built 4 funnels for myself that went on to do 7 figures in revenue. (Two of which did 7 figures in the first 90 days.)

Plus I just finished one that I believe will do more than all the other funnels combined. I’m very pleased with it actually… It’s got the best numbers of any funnel I’ve ever launched and the highest AOV to cold traffic I’ve ever experienced. 

Perhaps more impressively it’s a purely digital product which is a big breakthrough for me. 

I have a formula that I use for this… You see, I’ve been studying funnels, copywriting and direct response marketing for 10 years now.  

Business wise this is one of my deepest areas of study and I’ve probably taken those ideas further than anyone else you know. 

I don’t want to toot my own horn here - but it’s simply the truth. I’ve invested over $500K of my own money (all in my 20’s btw) to learn from the greatest direct response marketers on earth. 

Today that investment has paid me back over 10x already and I make hundreds of percent returns in yearly yield from that investment - The best investments for me have been into education. 

In my opinion 99.9% of business owners simply don’t take these principles seriously enough. Even most marketing agencies don’t truly understand them which has always been of concern to me. 

Anyways all that to say - every so often I build one of these funnels for clients who have the right products. 

I have my family coming over to Europe in just over 6 weeks - I will be taking on a few of these projects beforehand. I’ll have them tested and finished within 6 weeks as I’ll be taking a break then. 

To qualify your business needs to be over $20K/month at least and you need to have a desire to build a multi 7 figure business. 

You will need a great product. I’m not going to create the product for you. I’m going to build a kickass system to sell it, with landing pages, ads, bump offers, emails, OTO’s etc. 

If you have a great book, a powerful course or a well positioned product you want to sell but you know that the marketing is holding it back… 

If you dream of getting your awesome products and services into the hands of more people who need them (and quickly) this offer is for you. 

The input from your side - I’ll need about 3 hours of your time over the next 6 weeks to interview you and pull out all of the details for me to inject into the copy. 

If you want to chat about it - just click the link below and follow the prompts to fill in the quick form - tell me about your products and your business, I’ll check them out and If I’m certain I can build you a funnel that will convert, we can connect for a chat.