SFB Newsletter #20

The Universal Laws

Hey šŸ‘‹,

Thereā€™s one topic on earth that interests me more than business. The more I study and understand it - the easier it is for me to run a great business.

My first mentor Lachlan Cameron originally introduced this topic to me, which he called ā€˜The Universal Laws.ā€™

Now for reference, when I met Lachlan I was heavily medicated for psychosis and going nowhere in life.

90 days after meeting him I had burned the boats of my university degree (with one subject left to go) I threw my medication in the bin (never to take it again) and I had created a business plan for my new business that went on to do 7 figures and pull my brother and I out of poverty.

There are two specific moments that changed everything for me.

One day Lachlan sat me down and asked me to imagine we were sitting on a beach - watching big waves coming crashing into the shoreā€¦

Then he asked me a powerful questionā€¦

ā€œLetā€™s imagine this scene is like your life - what to do you imagine those waves are doing to you right now?ā€

Immediately I said, ā€˜I feel like Iā€™m getting smashed against the rocks - Iā€™m drowningā€™

In the way Lachlan did - he never responded emotionally or made me feel like a victim, instead he asked me a powerful question.

He said, ā€˜You see those waves coming in - no matter what you or I do those waves are going to keep coming. You can keep getting smashed up against the rocksā€¦ Or you can sit here on the beach with me and we can study their patterns, we can learn how they form, where they come from, where they go and Iā€™ll make you a promise - if you do that with me, you and I will eventually grab a surfboard, weā€™ll go out there and weā€™ll have the time of our lives. Is that something you can commit to?ā€™

I remember the feeling, my eyes welled up and I had the feeling like a piece of puzzle of my life clicked into place.

You see I knew what he was talking about, in our previous meetings Lachlan had taught me about a series of concepts that he called ā€˜The Universal Laws.ā€™

He had told me these Universal Laws affect your health, wealth and relationships. You can harmonise with them and be in alignment with these ā€˜natural principlesā€™ or you can try to run, you can try to fight but youā€™ll just ā€˜keep drowning.ā€™

He taught me that there was an order in the universe - that there was a cosmos in my chaos, and if I kept asking the right questions Iā€™d eventually see it clearly.

ā€˜The wound is the place where the light enters you.ā€™


A few weeks later he asked meā€¦ ā€˜Ben, whatā€™s the worst thing thatā€™s ever happened to you?ā€™

In an instant my mind flashed to one specific episode of psychosis that I had that was circa 25x more intense than any of the other episodes that I had.

And as I began to explain itā€¦

He politely interrupted me and askedā€¦ ā€˜How did that benefit you?ā€™

I remember being shocked at the question. I had tried to explain this scenario many times before but Iā€™d never been asked a question like this.

In took me a few minutes, and with Lachlans encouragementā€¦

The pennies started to drop one by one.

ā€œWell Iā€™m healthy - that experience gave me so much anxiety that I have to spend hours in the gym - itā€™s the only thing that makes me feel normal.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not taking drugs anymore & Iā€™m not hanging out with people who are taking drugs.ā€

ā€œI changed jobs because I was spending too much time by myself in my old job thinking about that moment.ā€

ā€œBecause Iā€™m not spending all my money on drugs - Iā€™m saving money for the first time.ā€

ā€œMy family is helping me - I was honest with them about what Iā€™d been doing and I grew closer to them as a resultā€

Every now and then Lachlan would pop in with a probeā€¦

ā€˜Interesting - what else?ā€™

ā€œWell Iā€™m being mentored by you and I feel like Iā€™m learning more in just one conversation than I have in the past 21 years of my lifeā€

I felt a feeling of gratitude that Iā€™d never felt in my life. I laughed, I had tears streaming down my faceā€¦

ā€œI think Iā€™ve just figured out the reason I went through all of thisā€

Within that 10 minute period I went from being a victim of my circumstances - a pawn on the chessboard of my life - to being able to see how these experiences were forming me and serving me.

A few days later I threw my medication in the bin and I never took it again.

All the momentum Iā€™ve been able to generate in my life, the businesses, being able to help and be of service to others comes from that moment.

And since Iā€™ve been a student of these principles, which I soon discovered are as old as history will allow us to see.

ā€˜Once you set foot on the path - you begin to see it everywhereā€™

Egyptian Proverb

After working with Lachlan I fell in love with reading books and I started reading 10-20 books a month and I kept that pace for over 8 years.

In my 20ā€™s I invested $50,000 into books. I also worked with a lot of mentors - I invested another $200,000 of the money I was making into mentorships with other great mentors.

Today Iā€™ve chilled out a bit; I read about 5 per month at the moment. Mostly biographies.

Anyways - If I read a book that I love - I try to find that persons mentor or their references and then I read those books too.

I think itā€™s important to try and find the source in life. This was the thing that really solidified my growth.

I quickly discovered that the same concepts that lifted me from mediocrity also influenced people such as Dr John Demartini, Buckminster Fuller, Carl Jung, Max Planck, Issac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Giordano Bruno (who was burned at the stake by the church for talking about it,) Leonardo Da Vinci, Plato and Pythagoras to name a few.

I found a new group of heroā€™s who I looked up to intellectually and I read and learnt everything I could find from and about them.

From what Iā€™ve discovered so far there was a group/cult of people in Ancient Egypt that used to revere and teach these principles. There are some books attributed to them pre Thales and Pythagoras who were two of the first greek philosophers.

If youā€™re interested in the book itā€™s called ā€˜The Corpus Hermeticum,ā€™ and it may very well be the earliest reference to personal development currently available to read.

As a small anecdote on thisā€¦ Maybe youā€™ve heard of the Medici family? What you may not know, is that the entrepreneur of the family, who originally created their wealth, Cozimo De Medici, then one of the richest men in the world employed a team of people to translate books of wisdom.

As the story goes he was nearing death when his team found books attributed to this very group - at the time his team was busy working on translating plato - but he ordered them to stop so he could have a chance to read the books before he died.

I also bumped into ā€˜Sacred Geometryā€™ which is the study of universal laws mapped out mathematically with geometry - also studied by all of the people above.

Pythagoras and Plato were obsessed with the concept that personally for me is one of the most fascinating concepts on earth.

It posits that there is a simple form of geometry that perfectly matches the expression of these universal laws.

I discovered that sacred geometry, hermeticism, alchemy, sufism, daoism and yoga - all ancient wisdom traditions 1500+ years old from different continents around the world are fingers pointing at the same thing.

They all involve techniques to harmonise the body and mind in an attempt to access a state of consciousness, ā€˜a higher mindedā€™ state where you transcend your previously held limits.

I love the imagery that the sufiā€™s use for this - a burning fire.

In each moment the fire rages. It will burn away 100 veils. And will carry you 1000 steps towards your goal.

Rumi (Sufi Poet)

Getting into this state could be considered real personal development, and for me - without it - weā€™re not talking about mindset, weā€™re talking about something else.

Now I get that this all can sound esoteric - but everyone has these moments in their lives.

Put simply itā€™s gratitude, love and wisdom.

What Lachlan taught me is that if I could be courageous enough to bring gratitude, love and wisdom to the darkest and most challenging moments of my life I would be free of them.

Iā€™ve been keep a list of reference materials and quotes Iā€™ve found over the years that speak to this. Hereā€™s a small handful of my favourite onesā€¦

Leonardo Da Vinci personal notebook. Study of Sacred Geometry.

Yin/Yang nested inside ā€˜The Seed of Lifeā€™

My 4 Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind;
1. Study the Art of Science
2. Study the Science of Art
3. Develop Your Senses - Especially Learn How to See
4. And Realise that Everything Connects to Everything Else.

Leonardo Da Vinci.

Buckminster Fuller explained to me once that because our world is constructed from geometric relations like the Golden Ratio or the Fibonacci Series, by thinking about geometry all the time, you could organize and harmonize your life with the structure of the world.

Einar Thorsteinn

The wise ones serve on the higher, but rule on the lower. They obey the laws coming from above them, but on their own plane, and those below them, they rule and give orders. And yet, in so doing, they form part of the principle, instead of opposing it. The wise man falls in with the laws and by understanding its movements he operates it instead of being its blind slave. Just as does the skilled swimmer turn this way and that way as he will, instead of being as the log which is carried here and there - so is the wise man compared to the ordinary man - and yet both swimmer and log; wise man and fool, are subject to the law. He who understands this is well on the path to mastery.

The Kybalion - Study of Hermetic Philosophy

For reference here are some of the laws.

  1. The Principle of Polarity

There are two sides to everything. There is a north pole and a south pole. A night and a day, darkness and light, white and black, peace and war, infatuation and resentment, pride and shame, left and right, conscious and unconscious, waking and sleeping, right and wrong, plus and minus, positive and negative, In and out. Etcā€¦

Everything has an opposite, and just like a magnet those areas are conserved in time.

All ā€˜bad thingsā€™ have benefits.

All ā€˜good thingsā€™ have drawbacks.

If you understand this you have a key to control your emotions - when youā€™re elated you can bring yourself back down.

(Being elated is not an objective state - itā€™s a fantasy state where youā€™re ignoring downsides - It bodes poorly for business.)

When youā€™re depressed you can regulate and bring yourself up by finding the hidden order.

  1. The Principle of Rhythm

Everything rises and falls, the universe is not static, everything is in flux.

The tides of life rise and fall.

Itā€™s the decisions we make on the peak that lead us into the valley and itā€™s the personal development we do in the valley that leads us to the peak.

Weā€™re not static. The idea of enlightenment is a fallacy that disempowered people chase - we donā€™t one day finish working on ourselves - the very idea that youā€™re enlightened will lead you into the deepest of valleys.

Itā€™s all in rhythm: Peaks and valleys.

  1. The Principle of Gender

Gender manifests in all things. We each have a masculine and feminine side. The expressions of the poles could be considered two genders that attract and repulse.

Balancing our masculine and feminine sides is the key to finding harmony in ones life and with the surroundings.

The same rule also applies to your business and the other areas of your life.

Here is an example in health.

Strength = Masculine
Flexibility = Feminine
Harmony of Both = Movement

Iā€™m sure you can imagine a bodybuilder who canā€™t wipe their own ass or a very airy ā€˜yogiā€™ who is so uncontrollably flexible that their joints are in genuine risk of dislocation.

One is dense and too bolted to the floor. The other is floating around with the pixies. We become addicted to our one sidedness.

Instead be like a martial artist who is incredibly flexible but also strong - they can move - and this also affects their mindset, which is why high level martial arts often spontaneously produces a spiritual outlook on life.

The real spirituality in life is marrying together the masculine and feminine parts of ourselves.

With just these principles Iā€™ve been able to learn how to own peopleā€™s traits - any traits that I observe from another business person I admire - I have a process I use to gobble them up like a pacman.

Iā€™ve also been able to transcend any of my past traumas by asking a series of questions - both of these processes I learnt from my current mentor Dr John Demartini, a man who has taken the study of these concepts further than anyone else Iā€™ve met so far.

I also clued onto my Seed of Life system and itā€™s relationship to mental health.

This system is based on ā€˜The Seed of Lifeā€™ one of the first forms of ā€˜Sacred Geometryā€™ - If you look closely youā€™ll also see the daoist yin/yang symbol inside it: which is where this symbol comes from.

I believe there are 7 areas of life - and that our personal momentum, whether we are moving forwards or backwards defines our ā€˜mental state.ā€™

It seems as though the feeling of moving backwards in 5 or more of the areas is depression, 6 is bipolar and 7 is psychosis.

To this day this is something that my clients and I live by - we check in monthly on these areas score them out of 10, we set goals and we run a broad agenda.

This system Iā€™ll dive more deeply into - inside another newsletter.

For now I wanted to introduce this general concept of universal laws and what it can mean for you life when you start studying them.

Everything I do here at systems for business is based on these principles - I guess you could say the business philosophies, systems, and exercises are all harmonising mechanisms because Iā€™m trying to give people a taste of the laws.

Talk soon,
