SFB Newsletter #16

List / Offer / Creative

Hey 👋,

Last week I ran a small workshop for business owners showing them how to generate more leads for their businesses.

There is nothing more powerful than finding a way to share your message with more people, and to the contrary there is nothing more painful than sitting in purgatory wanting to grow and reach more people but feeling like you’re missing the mark.

I’m guessing you’re here because you’re great at what you do and you have a product or a message that helps people.

So why not share it with as many people as you can?

That’s what I want to help you to do today.

When it comes to down to marketing there are three things to understand and master. The list, the offer and the creative/copy.

You know how sometimes I talk about Universal Laws - or very high level principles that are applying to all cases. This is one of those, this is a timeless marketing principle, that once understood can unlock a lifetime of business growth. 🙂 

  1. THE LIST: Who are your dream clients?

In every marketing campaign there is a List being used, this is who you’re marketing to and how you’re accessing that list.

As examples: You could use your email list, you could create a set of detailed targeting inside of a social media platform such as Facebook, it could be a custom audience from people who landed on your website or you could be using someone else’s list via a partnership or joint venture.

These are the people who are getting your marketing message.

The next piece of the puzzle is that you need to know exactly who you’re trying to attract - your dream client.

This is the psychological side - the yin to the yang of the list itself.

There are 5 Dream Client Segments - but for your campaign here are the four most important things to know…

  • How do they refer to themselves?

  • What are their pain points? (The symptom)

  • What is the real cause of the pain? (The problem)

  • What are their desires?

Grab a pen and paper / or a google doc and jot down the answers to these. I know this might feel like baby steps - but honestly it’s the number #1 step of any successful marketing campaign.

Every headline you create, every offer, every piece of copy you write comes directly from these 4 things.

People don’t take action because they’re a part of a list of people.

They take action because they have pain, problems and desires.

  1. THE OFFER: What are you offering to them?

Next we turn to the offer structure. For this I use my LeadFLOW system.

LeadFLOW is a way to set up the offers in your business that easily and ethically take people who’ve never heard of you before and turn them into customers and clients.

You see depending how long someone has known you and how much they resonate with your message they will be open to a different kind of offer that takes less or more time to consume.

This is where almost everyone goes wrong. If someone doesn’t know you, like you or trust you: They probably won’t be interested in your webinar & they probably won’t want to book in a call either.

In the beginning try checklists, calculators and guides instead.

First get people onto the list. Then warm people up for your deeper level offers with quality emails and content (something like a newsletter perhaps 🙃)

  1. THE COPY / CREATIVE: How you present your offer to your dream clients.

Here there are three key elements: Your ad, your website & your emails.

On Websites: You’d be surprised how simple high converting websites can be, it’s not about having pages and pages of materials - it’s about having the right materials. Less is more.

On the workshop I held last week I pulled out the most successful lead generation websites I’ve helped to build. They all had the same layout and just 5 simple things on the page.

On average these pages convert well over 50% of the traffic into subscribers which is well beyond the ‘industry standards’ - They’re dangerous standards.

Ads on the other hand is where you can be a bit more creative and right now it’s all about video ads!

Learning to create good video ads can add hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions to your business!

Here is one of the scripts I use for my video ads.

This is such an underrated skill in my opinion - especially when it’s combined with the understanding of the List (understanding and accessing dream client profiles) & making great offers.

Copywriting is a critical skill here also, you’ll need it to create good headlines, titles and also in your emails.

In the early days of starting my business I was blessed to have some amazing mentors who ‘showed me the ropes’ of copywriting - they taught me the principles and I’ve used them day in day out to punch my ticket to freedom.

If you want to take a deeper dive into my systems I’ve just uploaded a few short training videos for you on the page below.

They’ll help you to start mapping this system out for your business. If you’ve got just 15 minutes to invest into your marketing jump in there and claim them for free!

Talk soon,


Ps… This picture was taken last February in the Kings Valley in Luxor, Egypt. One of the top 3 travel experiences of my life. If you analyse more closely you may see a cracked sarcophagus in the background. Since I started getting interested in personal devleopment I’ve had a special affinity with Egypt - so this one was extra special for me.

Pps… My Girlfriend Gio and I have been able to travel the world together non stop for the past 5 years. One of the most powerful things about understanding marketing/business at the level I’m describing you can do it from anywhere in the world. 🙂